Comprising a substantial and regular shaped and level (clear of all buildings), development site extending to approximately 4.77 acre (1.93 hectares).
The site has previously had the benefit of planning permission from Wyre Council (ref: 20/00128/FULHAJ), dated 28th October 2020. The proposal comprises the construction of 6 industrial buildings providing for up to 13 high specification business units for B1(c), B2, B7, B8 use, with associated access and landscaping.
Leasehold offers for the site as open storage use will be considered.
Property Features
Gross site area of 4.77 acres (1.93 hectares)
Previous planning consent for the erection of 6 high specification buildings comprising of up to 13 business units (20/00128/FULHAJ) - now expired
Visibility from Copse Road and Amounderness Way
Cleared and level site ripe for development
Offers Invited for the freehold interest and Leasehold Proposals for open storage use